Dec 5, 2009

A Beginning Confession...

I have to confess that I follow a few blogs.

I'm not someone to follow the crowd - seeing that everyone has their own Twitter account or a blog. But I caved. So, there are a couple food blogs that I like and a few crafty blogs that I follow - mainly for information. Yet some of my favs - I have embraced them as a friend. A friend of mine turned me on to a food blog where the writer creatively showcases a picture of her baby with each recipe! In her ‘Creamed Brussle Sprouts’ recipe, I just couldn't get over the picture of her baby's little hand holding a tiny brussle sprout. Not only are the pictures of her baby drawing me in, it was her amazing recipes that drew me in as well. Just read the comments other people leave.

Today, me and my friends and pass these favorite blogs on to each other - like shared recipes. Here they are:


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