Dec 8, 2009

Digital Kids

Recently, I came across a PBS movie called "Digital Nation". The digital world is not one run by adults anymore. I might not be a "digital kid", but I remember my first experience in a chatroom - in 1994! I connected with a kid my age from Virginia. We wrote each other and corresponded by e-mail. It was innocent, but this shows my need to connect at such a young age - and how quickly I found it. Fast-forward 15 years.

Now, we consider all kids "digital kids" - all with that same need to connect and be known. As teachers, this is just one more reason we need to understand technology. We become good teachers when we understand the kids we teach and then go there with them. Digital Kids.

Read an interview with teacher, Steve Maher:"Kids' knowledge is broader but also much shallower than it used to be. Kids seem to know a little bit about a lot, but they're so impatient, so used to moving quickly, that they cannot handle the deep, probing, complex thinking that is the key to true mastery. That's troubling." (June 5 2007, PBS Frontline).

A sneak peak of the "Digital Nation"

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